Transportation Network Company (TNCs) Complaint Form
You may submit a complaint anonymously. However, providing your name and contact information may help the Division investigate your complaint. The Division may contact you for more information before deciding whether to investigate this complaint. Please note that the Division cannot award penalties to drivers who file their complaint anonymously.
When deciding whether to investigate a TNC complaint, the Division will prioritize investigating complaints with complete, accurate, and relevant information. If we cannot reach you or you do not provide the information, your complaint may not be investigated.
Driver or Consumer Information (Your information.)
Authorized Representative
You can choose to have someone called an "Authorized Representative" help you with your complaint. This could be an attorney, a relative or friend, an organization, or anyone else who you want to help you file the complaint, answer questions from the Division during an investigation, or make decisions about the complaint.
By having and authorizing a representative, you are allowing 1) the Division to request or share information and documents about this claim with the representative; 2) the representative to share information and documents with the Division; and 3) the representative to make decisions for you about this claim.
You are not required to have an authorized representative. If you would like to add an authorized representative, check the box below. You can add or remove an authorized representative after filing this complaint.