FAMLI Compliance Tip Form

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment Logo
There are statutes, rules and regulations that govern the Colorado Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) Act. If you want to report a business or someone at a business for not complying with the statutes, rules and regulations, please complete the form below so we can evaluate the information and determine what, if any, action is required, including the potential of opening a formal investigation.
Reporting Party

Employer/Business Information

Please put physical address; PO Boxes not accepted.

Please add the five or nine-digit number for Zip Code or Postal Code.

Federal Employer Identification Number

Rule Violation
The questions in this section are regarding the individual committing the rule violation.

Describe the suspected FAMLI regulatory violation in detail and how the person/business is not in compliance, giving as much information as possible, including names, dates, witnesses, documents, etc:

Additional Information or Evidence

If you have additional information or evidence to support this claim, please attach it to this form, or send it to cdle_famli_compliance@state.co.us

If you have multiple pieces of evidence to upload, please merge them into one file or into a zip archive.