CDLE Records / Data Request

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment Logo
Please fill out this form in order to request data from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. Follow-up details may be necessary. Depending on the type of data you are requesting, you may be required to sign a data sharing agreement or acceptable use policy prior to receiving the data. Additionally, there may be costs associated with your data request; you will be notified of potential costs prior to pulling any data.
Approved Requestor?

If you do not have an account number select No on the previous question
Requestor Information

This email address will be used to send you information about your request.

Please enter a valid ten-digit phone number without special characters

Please provide the name of your organization.
Important Note
**If this is an investigation of any kind, please select "Investigative Unit, District Attorney, Court System(s) or Colorado Dept. of Public Safety" in the following question.**

**If this is an investigation of any kind, please select "Investigative Unit, District Attorney, Court System(s) or Colorado Dept. of Public Safety".**
What Division Are You Requesting Data From? 

Type of Data

Please include any specific elements e.g., field-level, etc.
The following questions will provide CDLE with information about the type of data you are requesting in addition to how you plan to manage the data.

Purpose of Request

Focus on resources, money, or other critical (measurable factors)

Investigations and Law Enforcement
Please provide information about the data you are requesting including information about the individual or employer. 
This portal is for government agency inquiries only. If inquiring about a claim please call Denver Metro: 303-318-9000 or Toll-Free: 1-800-388-5515. Or use your MyUI+ account.

DO NOT include names, case numbers, or other personal information

E.g., location of employer, wages last year, etc. DO NOT include names or other personal information.

First name of individual for which you are requesting data. As it appears on their driver’s license or other government issued identification

Last name of individual for which you are requesting data.As it appears on their driver’s license or other government issued identification

Date of birth of individual for which you are requesting data.

SSN of individual for which you are requesting data. Do not include dashes.

Employer name for which you are requesting data

Employer FEIN for which you are requesting data

Employer address for which you are requesting data

Employer DBA for which you are requesting data

Your badge number. If you are a state agency without a badge number, please enter "0"

Family and Medical Leave Insurance - General Data Request

Please include any specific elements e.g., field-level, etc.
The following questions will provide CDLE with information about the type of data you are requesting in addition to how you plan to manage the data.

Family and Medical Leave Insurance - Purpose of Request

Focus on resources, money, or other critical (measurable factors)

Family and Medical Leave Insurance - Investigations and Law Enforcement
Please provide information about the data you are requesting including information about the individual or employer. 
This portal is for government agency inquiries only. If inquiring about a claim please call Toll-Free: 1-866-263-2654. Email: or use your MyFAMLI+ account.

DO NOT include names, case numbers, or other personal information

E.g., location of employer, wages last year, etc. DO NOT include names or other personal information.

First name of individual for which you are requesting data. As it appears on their driver’s license or other government issued identification

Last name of individual for which you are requesting data.As it appears on their driver’s license or other government issued identification

Date of birth of individual for which you are requesting data.

SSN of individual for which you are requesting data. Do not include dashes.

Employer name for which you are requesting data

Employer FEIN for which you are requesting data

Employer address for which you are requesting data

Employer DBA for which you are requesting data

Your badge number. If you are a state agency without a badge number, please enter "0"